Welcome to Trigger Fist: Global Operations Assault Team (G.O.A.T).
The maker of Trigger Fist, Lake Effect Applications, again raises the bar on what mobile shooters can be.
By combining the best elements of a First Person Shooter (FPS) and a Third Person Shooter (TPS) into a hybrid perspective, Trigger Fist G.O.A.T. delivers the best of both — The Hybrid Person Shooter (HPS):
- Precision shoot-what-you-see combat
- Realistic, tactical sightlines with no corner peek
- Cinematic, see-how-awesome-you-look gameplay
Join the Global Operations Assault Team and battle in new and classic game modes across varied environments. Stand out both visually and tactically with a traditionally inspired unlock system and a generous amount of customization options. Mix and match realistic weapons and abilities from any class to fit your unique playstyle. Configure numerous patterns, colors, and decals to build the most epic weapons and outfits. Play and look how you want.
Log on to The Lake, Lake Effect Applications’ online multiplayer and profile service. Play matchmade games, make friends, chat, join squads, view feeds, and have your profile backed up across all of your supported devices and games.
No connection? No Problem. Enjoy the full online experience and progression while offline. Highly sophisticated AI will challenge you when multiplayer is not an option. Also, being able to pause in the middle of an epic firefight is crucial when you need to put down your device.
If you like modern combat shooters with realistic action, download this game.
…also, there’s a goat.